Sunday, December 22, 2013

Happy Festivus!

No matter what holiday you celebrate, Festivus is for the rest of us.

When it comes time for the airing of grievances, the biggest grievance of all is for the intolerance of others. Almost everyone celebrates something special this time of year.

We're all in this together. Taking care of each other is the biggest and bestest feat of strength.


Sunday, August 25, 2013

YAY! It's time for another road trip adventure.

The packs are packed, the suitcase is filled with margaritas and the tent is stowed. It's off to the Southwest!

We were planning to go camping in Yosemite, but wildfires have turned it into a place that's probably not good for backcountry grazing. Too much smoke to savor the good grass of the wilderness.

So it's off to Utah!


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Back to the woods

Summer's here!

It was a nice spring, but there's nothing like the long, warm days of summer.

Was good to get out to Lake Crescent in Olympic National Park. We sure have been itching for a walk in the woods. Today was perfect a stroll up to Marymere Falls near Barnes Point.

The trail is pretty easy -- just 1.5 miles round trip with two bridges over the streams. It's only a short uphill hike to the falls overlook.

Marymere is among the most popular places in the park and for good reason. It's a tranquil place, despite a steady stream of visitors taking photographs!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Back in Cowtown

Wow, it's been awhile since we've been back in Cowtown, aka Kansas City. There's plenty of good grazing to be done in these parts.

But ... I sure hope they serve pork or chicken here.

Uhhh... Hmmmm...

Can we just get some salad with a lot of clover and alfalfa on the side?

Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring at last!

Spring officially arrived last week, but it's still been kind of nippy around here.

But at long last, a warm sunny day to go out and play! Time to smell the flowers and hopefully find a bit of nice, green grass to graze on. The brown hay of winter is starting to get a bit stale and we're ready for something fresh and new!